............................................. CERN, GENEVA, SWITZERLAND, 23-25 OCTOBER 2013 ............................................. |
Possibility of visits on Friday afternoon (25th October): ATLAS; SM18; Computer Centre. Participants may select one visit point. The maximum number of visitors per point is limited.
ATLAS is one of
the two big multi-purpose experiments at the Large Hadron
Collider. The visit will include both the control room and
the detector – a cylindrical structure of 45 m length and 25
m diameter situated some 90m underground and designed to
reconstruct fully the collisions of protons with energy 7+7
TeV. |
SM18 |
In order to reduce investment
costs (compactness due to higher fields or gradients with
great impact on civil engineering) and operating costs
(energy efficiency) for large scale accelerators,
superconducting magnets and accelerating cavities are
considered as enabling technologies. Performance and quality
of prototypes or series units have to be assessed. The
SM18 test facility is the place at CERN
where these elements can be tested, with dedicated
infrastructure for cryogenics, powering and measurements.
You will be able to see this unique large scale
infrastructure as well as some technology with real size
internal parts of the superconducting magnets or
accelerating cavities. |
CERN computer centre |
CERN computer centre hosts 3.5MW of IT
equipment in 3 large distinct rooms. 2/3 of the IT
equipment in the Centre is air cooled by a legacy
ventilation system that was recently optimised.
The remaining equipment is cooled in modern water-cooled
racks that were installed during the past years. During the
visit, you will have the opportunity to see the computing
rooms hosting the servers and the tape libraries and to
discuss how the Computer Centre is operated and cooled down. |